Monday, October 17, 2011

Chick Magnet

Dear Diary Blog, 

Today, I did something meaningful.. I and my Cg My Cg and I went to an malay orphanage of girls to just bring some cheer to the kids there.. I know, my closer friends will start bringing out the "look likes malay" jokes at this point.. But then again, I cant really find much evidence to deny I look like a malay.. Well, at least I've been told by a female that if i were a malay, I wld be the most handsome malay she's ever seen so far.. I dunno why I brought that up, it's not really a praise to me considering I would have to look like them in the first place.. 

So, we started off with introduction.. Name and age for the kids while only name for us cos it seemed a lil embarrassing mentioning our age when they're just 9-17 yrs old.. Then there was two ice breaker games - Squirrel, Tree and Hunter and "kai fan le"(something like musical chairs).. The games were effective since it resulted in the ice being broken.. But I kanna the sabo guy cos I lost the last round in "kai fan le".. Of all the rounds to lose, I had to lose the last round - forfeit round, fml really..

In de end, sian loh, must dance.. If there's anything I really suck at, it's dancing.. There's no dancing bone in my body.. As what dancers would call it, I have 2 left feet.. So, just made some stupid movements for 3 seconds and sua.. But apparently my cellgroup members had photos to relive this 3 seconds.. fml again.. 

After that, the kids had to do sand art.. 

They loved that the most.. I think it's amazing how such an activity really captures their interest and attention.. I for one have not done sand art yet.. Thou there was this time during Amos birthday and we bought him the Barney sand art.. haha.. But it was Amos who did it himself also.. Anw, I was there to just supervised their progress and stuff and it's interesting that how a simple activity brings out some traits of the kids..

One of the kids I observed kept losing her toothpick.. The toothpick is to pick out the stickers so that the sand can stick on the art piece.. And she was pretty impatient when waiting for the color of the sand she wanted to reach her.. Plus she unknowingly spilled sand on her other friend's art piece as well, not very considerate I would say.. 

Then there are some who are creative like blending two colors.. Others use more logic like taking out all the sticky parts that they want to color similarly while others take one sticky part at a time n color it.. U can also tell who is more introverted or extroverted as well.. I think i shld be a psychologist.. lol..

Then last part of the day was the balloon making from my cellgroup members.. You know the one where u can make dogs and heart shapes and stuff.. 

And then something strange started to happen.. Some of them were fooling ard with their machine gun balloon by all pointing at their friend at first..

Then they suddenly turned their attention to me, and point at me.. This happened a few times.. I seriously dunno why me.. Lastly, we wrapped up by taking photos and packed up and leave.. As we were walking towards the front gates, the girls started with pointing their guns at me again.. And then as we were walking off, they started screaming bye to me.. As in they said "Bye Jerry".. Which made me kinda confused.. 

Maybe I attract kids.. PAEDOPHILEEEE!!! What?!? I never said I was attracted by them what..

Then by now even my Cg joined in the fun saying I was 'attractive' cos I look like malay.. Swee.. BWG alr.. If u asked me, i think they're just jealous I grab all the headlines.. Oh well, what to do when you're such a chick magnet kid magnet.. Hahaha.. Chick

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